Mounts Dental Care – 3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Cavities In the New Year

Cavities are no fun. They can be avoided! Seeing your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, cleaning your teeth properly, and getting dental sealants are all things you can do to avoid cavities in the New Year.

If you’ve had bad luck with cavities in the past, and you’d like to avoid cavities in the New Year, below are four things you can do to prevent this problem in the future.

1. Clean Your Teeth for Two Minutes Each Time

Most dental experts recommend brushing your teeth for two minutes each time. Brushing your teeth for less time may leave your teeth less clean. Brushing your teeth for more time may contribute to gum recession and tooth enamel erosion. To be sure that you’re brushing your teeth for the right length of time, use a timer when you brush.

2. Get Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are protective coatings that your dentist can paint over your teeth to protect your tooth enamel from bacteria. Dental sealants last for years and can protect your teeth from cavities for a long time. Talk to your dentist about getting dental sealants the next time you’re there for a checkup.

3. Make Two Dental Checkup Appointments in 2025

If you’re not in the habit of making two dental checkup appointments every year, now is the time for that to change. Experts recommend that most people see the dentist twice yearly.

Have you scheduled your next dental checkup in North Little Rock, AR? If not, contact your dentist at Mounts Dental Care today. See the dentist every six months to take good care of your teeth.

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