Entries by DHP Dental

Kid’s Concerns

  Hi there. You may not know, but February is national children’s dental health month. Here at Mounts Dental Care North Little Rock, we are a family dental practice. We see people from infants up to 80 or 90 plus. I want to talk to you a little bit about kids because I often get […]

A New Year For Your Teeth

  Hey, Dr. Mounts here. And it’s that time of year again, when we’ve opened all of our Christmas presents and we’re taking down the Christmas decorations, and we’re trying to figure out what our New Year’s Resolutions are gonna be. I know almost everybody makes them. Did you know I found out today that […]

A Holiday Message

I can’t believe Christmas is here! I remember as a kid that it seemed to take forever to come around.  Now I can’t slow things down enough!  And as joyful as Christmas is, it can be just as stressful. Stress about family gatherings. Stress about buying presents. Stress about travel plans. We even see an […]