Considering Implant Retained Dentures? Answers to Your Questions

If you’re missing more than one tooth, or if you have many damaged teeth, it’s possible that you’d be a good candidate for implant retained dentures. These prosthetic teeth are helpful for people who need many prosthetic teeth at once. As your dentist in North Little Rock AR, the professionals at Mounts Dental Care offer implant retained dentures for people who need it. Here’s what to know.

What are implant retained dentures?

Implant retained dentures are a full arch of teeth that are installed on dental implants that have been fused with the jaw. Implant retained dentures are designed to replace many teeth at once.

What’s the difference between an implant retained denture and a single implant?

A single implant is an implant that replaces one tooth only. An implant retained denture replaces an entire row of teeth, using multiple implants to hold the denture in place.

What’s the difference between an implant retained denture and a standard set of dentures?

A standard set of dentures is a set of prosthetic teeth that can be taken out and put back in as needed. Implant retained dentures stay in the mouth and are held in place with posts that have been implanted in – and fused with – the jaw.

What are the benefits of implant retained dentures?

Implant retained dentures can’t slip around the mouth like other types of dentures. This reduces irritation in the mouth. Because implant retained dentures are attached to the bone, these prosthetic teeth offer better biting force than standard dentures.

Am I a good candidate for implant retained dentures?

You might be a good candidate for implant retained dentures in North Little Rock, AR. Your dentist can tell you after evaluating your dental health and the health of your jaw. To learn more, make an appointment with your dental professional today.