3 Tips to Update Your Oral Hygiene Routine This Fall

It’s easy to develop bad oral hygiene habits over time. It’s a good idea to think about your oral hygiene routine and what you can do to improve it. Taking steps to ensure that you’re visiting the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, on a regular basis and updating your toothbrush and tooth brushing techniques are all ways that you can make improvements to your oral hygiene routine. Here’s what we suggest.

  1. See the Dentist, Then Update Your Calendar

You should be visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR, twice annually. When was the last time you went to the dentist? If it was more than six months ago, then it’s time to return!

Make an appointment to see the dentist, then update the calendar on your phone or the calendar on your wall. Put a note approximately five to six months in the future to remind yourself when it’s time to make another appointment with the dentist.

  1. Get An Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes come with features that make brushing your teeth easier and more effective. Get an electric toothbrush that oscillates – this means the bristles travel back and forth to clean your teeth. The best toothbrushes come with the ADA seal of approval, so watch for that when shopping for the right model for you.

  1. Measure How Long You Brush Your Teeth

Experts recommend that you brush your teeth for two minutes each time you brush. If you don’t currently know how long you brush your teeth, you should. You can do this easily by setting a stopwatch on your smartphone. Most electric toothbrushes have a built-in timer and will turn off after two minutes.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Is it time for a visit to the dentist? Contact Mounts Dental Care today.

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