Should I Consider Sedation Dentistry?

Are you nervous about seeing the dentist in North Little Rock, AR? You’re not alone – many people get anxious when they think about going to the dentist. At Mounts Dental Care, we offer sedation dentistry to patients who have difficulty controlling their dental anxiety. We also provide tips to nervous patients who want to get through their appointment without assistance from sedation dentistry. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of a moderate amount of sedation during a dental procedure to alleviate feelings of fear or anxiousness about the dental procedure. Sedation dentistry can also alleviate discomfort during the dental procedure. Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to help patients who might otherwise avoid the dentist because they’re feeling anxious.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Your dentist can help you decide if you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry. If you avoid making appointments with the dentist because of your dental anxiety, then your dentist may recommend sedation dentistry. Contact your dentist at Mounts Dental Care to determine whether sedation dentistry is right for you.

What Else Can I Do to Calm My Nerves for Dental Appointments?

You can do many things to calm your nerves before and during your dental appointment. Some suggestions:

  • Engage in mindfulness and breathing exercises before and during your appointment
  • Listen to calming music on headphones while the appointment is taking place
  • Bring a friend or family member to wait with you in the lobby of the dental office

Have more questions about sedation dentistry in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care to get answers.

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