4 Things to Know About Sedation Dentistry

Not everyone feels comfortable going to the dentist. Some people have anxiety that can prevent them from making their normal dental appointments. Going to the dentist shouldn’t be an unpleasant experience – and that’s why we offer sedation dentistry for our patients. As your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, we’re committed to making your experience at the dentist a positive experience overall.

1. What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of sedation during a dental procedure to help the patient feel more comfortable. Sedation dentistry can involve nitrous oxide, a colorless gas that instills patients with a feeling of euphoria during the dental appointment, or other forms of sedation.

2. Does Sedation Dentistry Make You Fall Asleep?

Some types of sedation dentistry – like nitrous oxide – do not make patients fall asleep. Other types of sedation dentistry, like IV sedation, will cause the patient to fall asleep. Your dental provider will help you decide which type of sedation dentistry is best for your upcoming dental procedure.

3. Should I Get Sedation Dentistry For Every Dental Visit?

You may not want sedation for every dental appointment. Some appointments are quick and easy enough that sedation doesn’t seem necessary. Talk to your dental provider to find out if you should get sedation with each appointment.

4. What Should I Do If I Think I Need Sedation Dentistry?

If you think you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry in North Little Rock, AR, call your dentist at Mounts Dental Care.Our dental professionals are fully trained in providing sedation dentistry to patients. Call today to make an appointment.

4 Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth This Summer

Summer is a time when many people struggle to take care of their teeth. From ice cream at the park to sweet drinks at the family barbecue, there are just too many opportunities to do damage to your teeth.

Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR can help. At Mounts Dental Care, we provide dental exams and treatment for a range of dental conditions. We can help you take care of your teeth this summer.

1. Floss After Eating Corn

Corn on the cob can easily become caught between your teeth. It’s important to get the food out of your teeth when it gets trapped there. Flossing after eating corn on the cob can help you take care of your teeth.

2. Limit Your Intake of Sugar

Summer is a time when sugary foods and beverages are popular. Ice cream, soda, milkshakes and more – all of these sugary foods are fun to eat when it’s hot outside.

Sugary foods are bad for your teeth and oral health. Limiting your intake of sugar can help you take care of your teeth. If possible, drink sugarless drinks, and try to limit your snacks to one per day.

3. Avoid Chewing Ice

Chewing ice can break your tooth enamel, causing cracks and chips. If it’s your habit to chew ice, don’t!

4. See Your Dentist for a Dental Exam

See your dentist every six months for a dental exam in North Little Rock, AR. If you’re due for a dental exam this summer, make the appointment now. Call Mounts Dental Care to get your appointment on the calendar.

3 Ways to Care for Your Teeth As You Get Older

Teeth change as the body ages. Taking good care of your teeth can help keep your teeth healthy. Your dentist in North Little Rock, AR can help.

Seniors have unique dental needs that we can address during their dental appointments. Below are some suggestions we give to senior patients to help them maintain healthy teeth and gums.

1. Use Soft Bristle Toothbrushes, Brush Gently

Brushing too hard with a hard-bristle toothbrush can wear away your tooth enamel, leading to sensitive tooth enamel. Brushing too hard can also wear away your gums, causing gum recession.

Tooth sensitivity and gum recession are both problems that seniors commonly struggle with, so it’s important to reduce your risk of these problems by brushing your teeth gently. If you’re not sure how to brush your teeth gently or whether your toothbrush is adequate, talk to your dentist.

2. Maintain a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

Hopefully, you have a good oral hygiene routine of brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing once per day. If you don’t do that right now, this is a good time to start. See your dentist twice annually for dental exams in North Little Rock, AR – or more often if your dentist recommends. Your dentist may ask to see you more frequently as you get older.

3. Stay Hydrated

Certain medications and medical conditions can put you at risk for dry mouth, increasing your risk of periodontitis. Staying hydrated can help you avoid these problems. Drink plenty of water to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Is it time for your next dental exam? Contact Mounts Dental Care to make your next dental appointment.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Visits With the Dentist

Visiting the dentist is good for you, especially when you know how to make the most out of your appointment. When you visit the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, it’s important to know how to ensure that your dental appointment is as productive as possible. Below are five things you can do to maximize your next dental appointment.

1. Know What Questions to Ask

Make a list of all your questions about oral health and hygiene. Maybe you’d like to know if you’re a good candidate for professional teeth whitening or why your teeth are so sensitive. Write these questions down to ask your dentist during your consultation.

2. Make Appointments Twice Annually

Experts recommend that dental patients visit the dentist twice per year. Making your dental appointments twice annually helps the dentist stay on top of your plaque and tartar removal and allows your dentist to identify oral health and hygiene problems in their early stages.

3. Make a Checklist of Concerns

Are you concerned about pain in your teeth or maybe a wisdom tooth that’s causing you grief? Make a checklist of issues to bring up with your dentist before the end of your dental appointment.

4. Get Tutorials from the Dentist

When did the dentist last show you how to brush your teeth or floss properly? It’s good to get a refresher from time to time. Get new tutorials from the dentist to improve your oral health and hygiene routine.

5. Tell Them What Type of Toothbrush and Toothpaste You Use

Dentists often have recommendations for the best type of toothbrush and toothpaste for their patients. Tell your dentist about your products to see if your dentist recommends anything different.

When was the last time you came in for a dental examination and cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? Call Mounts Dental Care today to make your next appointment.

Do I Need Treatment for Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease can be a very serious problem that can cause bad breath, loose permanent teeth, bone loss, and even the loss of permanent teeth. If you have periodontal disease, it is important to work with your dentist in North Little Rock, AR, to get treatment.

If you suspect that you have periodontal disease because you’re noticing symptoms, contact your dental provider.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that damages the tissues, including the bone and gums. It is generally caused by poor oral hygiene habits over a long period, although some people are at higher risk for it because they have certain medical conditions or because they use tobacco products.

What Are the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease?

There are many symptoms of periodontal disease:

  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Puffy, red, bleeding gums
  • Bad breath that persists even after brushing teeth
  • Loose permanent teeth
  • Gums are bright red or even purple
  • Gums bleed when brushing teeth
  • Receding gums

You may have periodontal disease if you’re experiencing one or more of these problems. If you have periodontal disease, you need treatment as soon as possible.

What Happens If I Delay Treatment?

Periodontal disease is a serious condition that can cause the loss of jaw bone density and, ultimately, the loss of your permanent teeth. Seeing the dentist as soon as possible can help you save your teeth. During treatment, your dentist can “deep clean” your teeth to get rid of the bacteria and inflammation in your mouth.

At Mounts Dental Care, we help our patients maintain healthy teeth and gums through safe, effective teeth cleaning in North Little Rock, AR. We’re here to help you maintain healthy teeth. Call today to make an appointment.

What Happens During Dental Cleanings?

Most dentists recommend that their patients visit for dental cleanings every six months. Knowing what to expect during your next dental cleaning can make your bi-annual visit to the dentist in North Little Rock, AR, less stressful.

At Mounts Dental Practice, our dentists use professionalism and all the most modern techniques to make your visit to the dentist a positive experience. Here’s what you need to know about what happens during dental cleanings.

Removal of Plaque and Tartar 

Plaque and tartar can build up on teeth over time. Tartar buildup can contribute to gum recession and tooth decay, so your dental professional at Mounts Dental Care will use tools like scalers to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth during your dental cleaning.


Your dentist uses X-rays to see what’s happening inside your teeth and gums. You don’t need to get X-rays every time you visit the dentist, so your dental professional will tell you when it’s time to get X-rays at your visits.

Fluoride Treatment and Polish 

Fluoride helps strengthen your tooth enamel, so your dentist may give you a fluoride treatment when you come into the office for a cleaning. The dentist may also polish your tooth enamel to make it slippery so that food will not stick to it as easily.


At the end of the appointment, the dentist will examine your teeth and look for any oral hygiene problems. If you have any oral hygiene issues, your dentist at Mounts Dental Care will provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

When was the last time you had a dental appointment? If it’s been over 6 months, it’s time to see your dentist. Call Mounts Dental Care to schedule a dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR.

4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist

Fear of the dentist can prevent some people from getting their teeth cleaned and examined, leading to oral health problems like plaque and tartar buildup, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. For your oral health, it’s important to overcome your fear of the dentist in North Little Rock, AR. Here’s what you can do.

1. Talk to your dentist.

Your dentist will have encountered other people who have a fear of the dentist. Many dental professionals have a plan to help people who are afraid of going to the dentist.

The only way to get help from your dentist is to start a conversation about your feelings. Your dentist can help you work out a plan to make appointments less stressful.

2. Consider sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry is the practice of using mild forms of sedation to make dental appointments more comfortable and less stressful. People can use sedation dentistry for many reasons, and if your dentist feels it is appropriate for you to use it, this could give you the relief you need to get through a dental appointment.

3. Bring something to listen to.

Plan to distract yourself from the dental appointment by bringing something to listen to while you’re there. Listening to a favorite podcast or music can improve the experience.

4. Try breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises can help calm your heart and help you feel more in control. Engage in breathing exercises, taking several deep, intentional breaths in a row before going to the dentist and while you’re there.

Interested in sedation dentistry in North Little Rock, AR, to help overcome your fear of the dentist? Call Mounts Dental Care today to make an appointment.

3 Reasons You Should See the Dentist Twice in 2024

2024 is here, and it’s time to make your first dental appointment of the year! Seeing the dentist twice each calendar year is important. If you’re not in the habit of seeing yourdentist in North Little Rock, AR, on a regular basis, then now is a good time to get in the habit. You should see the dentist at least twice per year for many reasons. Here’s what to know.

1. Your Dentist Recommends Twice-Yearly Treatments

Most dentists recommend that their patients come in twice yearly for cleanings. Unless your dentist has recommended a different schedule for dental care, you should follow this twice-yearly schedule to stay on top of your dental needs and to maintain clean, healthy teeth.

2. Frequent Visits Can Help You Avoid Dental Problems

Getting preventative care from the dentist is important for avoiding dental problems. When you go to the dentist for preventative care, your dentist will eliminate plaque and tartar that can lead to gum disease and gum recession. These regular cleanings can help you avoid problems like cavities, infections, and gingivitis. If you are at high risk for any of these conditions, seeing your dentist for regular care is especially important.

3. You’ll Get Early Diagnosis of Dental Issues

When you visit the dentist, your dental professional will look for signs of a problem like cracks in the tooth enamel or cavities. Your dentist will also take regular X-rays of your teeth to find out if there are any problems developing inside your teeth and gums out of sight. This will help you get an early diagnosis so your dentist can help you get treatment before the problem is out of control.

Have you made an appointment for adental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR? If not, call Mounts Dental Care today to schedule your first 2024 appointment.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Health Smile

Whether it is a general dental appointment or requests for cosmetic dentistry appointments inNorth Little Rock, AK, January always brings a few extra requests to see the dentist at Mounts Dental Care. This is because January is the time for new resolutions, and many people resolve to get more serious about their smiles at the turn of the new year. Take a look at a few good New Year’s Resolutions to consider for the betterment of your smile below.

Resolve to Get Serious About Flossing

Flossing is very important to your oral health, but it is also one of the most commonly disregarded components of personal oral health hygiene. If you have been skimping when it comes to flossing, make the upcoming year the year when you make this significant change.

Resolve to Follow the Recommended Cleaning Schedule

Your dentist will tell you that your teeth should be cleaned by the hygienist at least twice a year, and some people may need more frequent cleanings due to certain habits or health conditions. As the new year approaches, commit to following this recommendation to protect the health of your teeth.

Resolve to Drink More Water

Drinking water is beneficial for your teeth in several ways. It helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, which works well for reducing plaque buildup and the risk of decay. Water with fluoride also strengthens enamel and enhances protection against cavities. Additionally, adequate hydration maintains a balanced saliva production that works as a natural defense against harmful acids and bacteria.

Discuss Your New Year Smile Needs with a North Little Rock Dentist 

Whether you simply want to be more vigilant about your oral health or want to discover more confidence with cosmetic treatments, working with aNorth Little Rock dentist is the first step. Contact Mounts Dental Care to schedule an appointment for the new year.

3 Things to Expect At Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

When you bring your baby to their first dental appointment, they should be around one year old. In fact, many dental professionals recommend that babies come to the dentist for the first time within six months of their teeth erupting or whenever they turn one year old – whichever comes first.

This means that when your baby first visits thedentist in North Little Rock, AR, they won’t be old enough to have a normal dentist appointment like the appointments you experience. Your baby’s first visit to the dentist will be a little different. Here’s what you can expect.

1. Brief Examination

Your baby’s first dental appointment will start with a brief examination of their teeth and gums. The dentist will look inside their mouth for evidence of issues like cavities and other problems. Babies can get cavities just like older kids, so it’s important for your child’s dentist to take some time to look at their teeth.

2. Chance to Ask Questions

Once the examination is over, the dentist will give you a chance to ask some questions about your child’s teeth. You might have questions about how to brush your child’s teeth and how to take care of them, or you may have questions about what to expect during teething and other developmental milestones. Your child’s dentist at Mounts Dental Care will take the time to answer these questions to the best of their ability.

3. Information About Pediatric Dental Care

Finally, the dentist will give you information about how to brush your child’s teeth, what kind of toothbrush to use, and so on. This information will help you keep your child’s teeth clean and healthy.

If your baby is one year old or older, it’s time for yourfirst dental cleaning in North Little Rock, AR. Call today to make an appointment.